Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ch. 5: Bringing Writing to Life

Our trip to the River Legacy Center brought our writing to life. This is the type of writing that I really enjoy because you are experiencing what you're writing. Students also enjoy going on a trip then writing about it; their likes or dislikes.

Ms. Ward gives us great ideas for helping students bring their writing to life, and I'm sure I'll be using this with my students, but I'm also going to try this strategy using Aesop's Fables. Students like fables because they can associate the moral of the fable with some aspect of their life, a friend or family member. Fables also lead to class discussions, projects and creative writing.


Janelle said...

What ideas and strategies do you have that might help students bring their writing to life? How do you account for uninspired student writing?

Rays of Light said...

A teacher can't impose writing. However, getting to know what students like; sports, tv, games, videos, etc., is a good source to prompt them to write.

Over the years of teaching, I've collected pictures of many things--from animals to people. When a student is just blocked and uninspired, I give them a picture to get ideas and start writing.